Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Well it’s that time of the year again – how time flies!! It only seems a minute ago that we welcomed in 2018 and now it’s almost done. And what a year it’s been!
As we often tell our clients – change is hard, and it’s fair to say we experienced that first hand this year as 2018 saw a whole new chapter begin for tendevelopment as we waved goodbye to one of our founding partners Martin.
Happily both ourselves and Martin are doing well and enjoying the challenges offered by new situations and opportunities. One of these opportunities has been the chance to invite a selected group of people to become involved in tendevelopment, which in turn has introduced new ideas and ways of doing things into the business, which has been very rewarding.
It was also the year we continued many of our fantastic client relationships and as always we wanted to say a huge thank you for all your support – it really does mean the world to us.
As we prepare to close the doors for the year and down tools for the festive break – all that remains for us to say is we hope you and your families have a fabulous Christmas and our very best wishes for the New Year!!
Bring on 2019!!
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