
What is it?

We undertake a full needs analysis to help you / your organisation effectively diagnose the root cause of specific development requirements.


By working in partnership to diagnose the real issues affecting performance or the most pressing development needs we can effectively work together to design a solution that will have an immediate and sustainable impact, preventing you from having to repeat the same development a few years down the line.

How does it work?

We undertake an in depth analysis of 3 critical areas –


Capability – The Skills
Focused on identifying the specific skills required, diagnosing the current levels of capability and identifying any potential gaps


Climate – The Permission
Examining the organisation’s existing people processes (e.g. recruitment, induction, performance management etc…) to ensure they support the desired behaviours and outcomes; and ensuring the accepted day to day activities of managers creates the environment which fosters capability and commitment of their people?


Commitment – The Desire
Meeting with any potential participants to better understand their individual and collective challenges and the ‘real world’ they work within.  Checking whether the organisational sponsor understands their responsibility to actively demonstrate the desired behaviours, e.g. show people ‘what good looks like’.

How does it help?

By uncovering and addressing the core issues / development needs we can ensure any subsequent development solution is sustained and embedded; as it targets relevant areas with specific solutions, e.g. looks at how to ensure the climate is aligned and how to increase participant commitment etc…


This in turn means all solutions delivered can ensure the subsequent participants have:


      1. The capability to know what to do, combined with the skills and confidence to do it right,
      2. A climate where they are actively encouraged to embed what they have learnt
      3. A personal desire and commitment to make it a reality


It is also great for providing data to accurately measure return on investment, as you have a very clear before and after picture.

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