5 Minute Leadership Q&A – ‘How do I get quality feedback from my people?’
Here’s another of our 5 minute Q&A’s – and again it’s one of the questions we get asked the most by people we work with.
We often talk quite a bit about the value leaders derive from getting feedback from their people although typically the people we work with tell us when they ask for this information from the people they lead they just say things like “No boss, there’s nothing” or “I can’t think of anything”.
To be fair there, for you, that might be true, but for most there is at least one thing which you may not even be aware of you could do differently or improve on; that was certainly true for us!
So this 5 minute Q&A is all about some practical strategies to get your people to really open up to you and give you feedback you need.
Hope you find it useful
Speak to you soon
Martin & Elizabeth
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