5 Minute Leadership Q&A – Making Time to Think


We are always getting asked loads of questions from people we work with about some of their common leadership challenges, so we thought we’d put together a series of short videos with some really practical quick wins to try.


This is the first one so we wanted to start with one of the questions we get asked the most from leaders at all levels regardless of industry or organisation.


Let us know if it helps, and any other topics you’d like us to cover in our future leadership Q&A’s


Hope you enjoy


Many Thanks


Martin & Elizabeth


  • Lisa Dysch


    Timely reminder there guys and some useful tips. Ive just come out of a really busy time at work and I was only thinking, this morning, that I need to get back in that helicopter!. Lovely to see and hear the two of you. Thank you .

    November 18, 2015 at 8:30 am
    • Elizabeth


      Thanks Lisa! Glad you found it useful. Yes that old helicopter needs flying regularly – goes rusty otherwise ;-)) Lovely to hear from you too.

      December 1, 2015 at 12:54 pm
  • Guy Lee-Potter


    Hi folks, firstly – congratulations on your ?first? video clip – good effort 🙂
    For me, the first point you make about NOT switching on the laptop/email/bbry etc and to physically and mentally give yourself that “pause for breath” before launching into the day is a great point, and one that to be honest most of us fail on. So… I’ve reminded myself again, and thanks for sharing, Guy

    December 4, 2015 at 4:11 pm
  • Martin


    Thanks Guy – lovely to hear from you! Its genuinely a strategy that Elizabeth and I try and use every day. To be honest Elizabeth is better and more disciplined at it than I am,.. But don’t tell her I said that 😉

    December 4, 2015 at 4:42 pm
  • Ian Humpage


    At last I made some time to watch your video!!! Simple, common sense practical advice, so important to factor in thinking/reflection time, without it how do we move forward? What about ‘Motivation’ as your next video post? Self motivation and motivation for others. Keep up the great work.

    December 7, 2015 at 12:12 pm

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